A New Format

So I mentioned last week that I’ll be experimenting with a new format for the blog! Instead of posting once a week for every subject, I’ll post about whatever subject I’ve been working on the most recently, meaning there might be multiple days in the same category.

Perhaps not every subject is of interest to everyone – in that case the category tabs that appear when you hover over the “blog” section in the menu above is a great way of going to whatever category actually interests you. The categories can also be found to the right in the gray box.

With this new format my goal is to have bite-sized updates on the various things I do as a game developer, writer and artist, with a more personal view into some of the tasks and the thought that goes into it. Sort of like a journal but (mainly) for creative things.

As a result, Secrets of Grindea’s weekly recap will most likely be removed, though I haven’t made a final decision regarding that yet. I may or may not keep a shorter summary of whatever Teddy and Fred has been up to, just to make sure you get all of the Grindea related things whether you follow the main blog or this blog.

As I mentioned in one of the motivational posts a while back, revamping your environment – whether it’s your physical workspace or how you organize or plan your life and work – is a great way of getting new motivation to try new things. Right now this blog feels a little stale, but I enjoy blogging and don’t want it to be the dying trend it seems to be at the moment – so the solution is to experiment a bit and see if I can breathe some fresh life into the words that go on here!

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